We're Conquest
the people behind the magic
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Harry Hayden is the second founding director of the company. He has graduated university with a BSc in Economics, Banking and Finance and an MSc in Banking and Finance. He represents the back workings of the company.

Lily Bajja is the behind the scenes director that ensures the company ticks on a day-to-day basis. In charge of operations & marketing and allows the seamless working of the company through organisation and execution of ideas.

Samir is the head of elite youth development and as as a result oversees the coaches development & progression.

Abs is the longest serving coach we have and without a doubt an integral part of the academy. He is the head coach and delivers an enthusiastic and impressive level of energy to anything he is involved in.

Joe Boyle is the youngest member of the coaching team but conversely one of the most experienced. He started on WEX and from the age of 15 has not looked back. An innovative and exciting coach with an extensive understanding.

Ronan is the newest addition to the team but brings a wealth of enthusiasm to the team with a range of new ideas and coaching methods to extract the best from young players.

Thomas Whelan is a semi-professional footballer who alongside his footballing commitments works as an elite youth coach & senior personal trainer for Conquest. His knowledge and expertise in the training clients has been a welcome addition to the team.

Will Godmon is a semi-professional footballer who alongside his footballing commitments works as a senior personal trainer for Conquest. His knowledge and expertise in the training clients has been a welcome addition to the team.